30 July 2015




Dear Colleague,


The Health and Social Care Committee is a group of ten Assembly Members from across Wales, who represent the four political parties who make up the Assembly. The Committee’s role is to hold the Welsh Government to account on health and social care in Wales, including finance, administration, policy and legislation.


The Committee was set up in June 2011, and will be disbanded at the end of the Fourth Assembly in April 2016, before the Assembly elections in May 2016. It is now gathering views from people across Wales about the past five years, including its ways of working, the work it has done, and the impact it has had. Before the Fifth Assembly starts its work in May 2016, the Committee also wants to hear views about what the key challenges are going to be for health and social care in the next five years.


The Committee wants to hear views from everyone who would like to comment: those who have worked closely with it, those who have never engaged with its work, and everyone in between. In particular, the Committee would like your views on the questions listed in Annex A to this letter. Please keep your comments to no more than around 2000 words in total, and make sure that your submission arrives by Friday 25 September 2015.  It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.


If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to SeneddHealth@Assembly.Wales.  Alternatively, you can write to: Committee Clerk, Health and Social Care Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.  You can also use the online form, which is available on our website. More information about how to send in your views is set out in Annex B to this letter.


Please feel free to forward this letter on to anyone else that might like to contribute. A copy of this letter will also be available on the Committee’s website.



Disclosure of information

You can find further details about how we will use your information at www.assembly.wales/help/privacy/help-inquiry-privacy.htm. Please ensure that you have considered these details carefully before submitting information to the Committee. A hard copy of this policy can be requested by contacting the Clerk.


Yours faithfully,

David Rees AM

Chair, Health and Social Care Committee